Can Rahul Gandhi become India’s Prime Minister someday?

Everyone today is aware with the name of Rahul Gandhi. Rahul Gandhi is an Indian politician and a member of the Indian parliament. There’s so much that Rahul Gandhi has worked for in his life. He was born on 19th June, 1970 in New Delhi. He is the son of Rajiv Gandhi, who later became the prime minister of India, and Italian-born Sonia Gandhi, who later became the president of Indian National Congress, and as the grandson of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. So basically if we have a look, we see that his own father and his grandmother had been the prime minister of India. But why has Rahul Gandhi not got this position yet? It’s true that Rahul Gandhi has worked really hard beginning right from London where he joined the Monitor Group, a management consulting firm based out of London and worked there for three years.
Soon after this, he returned to India and set up his own technology consultancy in Mumbai, where he led his team as the Director. Rahul Gandhi had no plan of joining politics at first but in 2004, he choose stand from his father’s constituency and continue the legacy of serving the people of Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. From then onwards Rahul Gandhi has been putting his best efforts in everything he can do for this country. But the question here is that are those efforts enough for him to become the Prime minister of India?
There is a majority of people who would say no, and would also state hundreds of reasons for this. He might have scored positions in his party and might have many supporters who would always speak in his favour but the truth is something else. He has actually proved himself as nincompoop in the world outside of parliament. He is even accused of passing a slanderous remark about his own country which is not a true sign of a good leader. Moreover, he has made fool of himself in many stages of his life. People don’t want him to be the Prime Minister of the country, not because they have some personal grudges with him but even after getting a lot of chances he has never proved himself to be the one actually deserving this position.
We all know that India is a democratic country and people here have all the rights to decide about who will be leading their country in the best possible way and maybe these people are one of the biggest reasons why they don’t consider Rahul Gandhi as a the prime minister of their country and therefore the votes are lesser for Congress as compared to BJP.
Let’s have a more further look in to the statistics which states that during 2004 to 2014, Rahul Gandhi had sufficient chance to become the PM but did he did not opted for this position then. Dr. Manmohan Singh would have immediately obliged by resigning from PM post if Rahul wanted to be PM at that time. But, both he and his mother preferred to be super-PM instead of being PM directly. So all we can say is that now, his time has gone.
There are always two sides of a coin, which means that if we ask the people of India this question, they would start a debate on it. Maybe the Congress party supporters would even agree that he should be given another chance and that he can rule our country better than anyone else but on the other hand many people would be against this idea. One might also say that there are fifty fifty chances of this happening.
Whatever may be the answer, we know that every person needs the best leader for ruling their country, leaders who can grab a chance from the jaws of defeat after convincing enough number of citizens, not after convincing desperate power hungry regional leaders to loot the nation and share the spoils. So if by any chance Rahul Gandhi becomes the prime minister of this country, it would be not easy for him to handle it as India is a developing country with a large population and its not gonna be easy for him to handle it thoroughly if he keeps on actiny foolishly and seeking his gain from the position given to him.
Rahul has a penchant to raise frivolous issues like dresses, eating habits, number days of tours, etc. which our current PM Modi is doing quite well. Thus, people don’t consider Rahul as a responsible leader. Throughout this five years Rahul never has been on top of the Government on any issues.
Thus, it may be quite hard to judge whether this person is deserving to be the PM or not but most factors stated by people confirm that Rahul Gandhi should never be given the title of becoming the prime minister of India anyday.
Bhavya Khurana
B.A. hons English
Delhi University (Dyal Singh College)