How IBM is still around?

The International Business Machines (IBM) is known for producing software and hardware computers and providing telecommunication and consulting services in many parts of the world. IBM was first found by Charles Ranlett Flint on 16th June 1911. The IBM was earlier known as CTR (Computing Tabulating Recording) However, the name was changed in the year 1924.
IBM has really shaped the way the world does business. IBM products used to be in every large organization, and IBM corporate culture established a management style that was imitated by companies around the globe. IBM was known as the “Big Blue”. And yet over the years, IBM has gone through both failure and success, surviving flat lining revenue and forced reinvention. The company almost went out of business in the early 1990s, then came back strong with new business strategies and an emphasis on artificial intelligence.
IBM’s technology breakthroughs, includes the development of the punch card which was used for automatic tabulation in the 1890 census, for the calculation and printing of the first Social Security checks in the 1930s, the introduction of the PC to a mass audience in the 1980s, and the company’s shift in focus from hardware to software. The secret to IBM’s unequalled longevity in the information technology market, is its capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and technologies. There are various types of services provided by IBM which are Networking, various business and corporate solutions, Resiliency Services, Mobility and Technical support services.
There is not one reason to say why IBM is still in business but there are many. IBM is the company which gets billions in revenue just from patent licensing alone. It has one of the largest patent portfolios of any company. The current revenue of the company is 73.6 billion dollar. How is it possible? Because now IBM is focusing on services rather than selling physical products. It’s true that IBM sold its PC’s business to Lenovo in 2001, along with selling of its chips and printers business. IBM has gone through failure, no doubt but it has still recovered from those failures and again made a place for itself in the market. People must have heard about the IBM cloud solutions, that’s what the company is working on now. IBM Cloud provides solutions that enable higher levels of compliance, security, and management, with proven architecture patterns and methods for rapid delivery for running mission-critical workloads. Available in data centers worldwide, with multizone regions in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and
Australia, you are enabled to deploy locally with global scalability. IBM Cloud offers the most open and secure public cloud for business with a next-generation hybrid cloud platform, advanced data and AI capabilities. With public cloud, the resources are made available to you over the public internet.
Also it’s working on Red Hat by increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving business outcomes. Thus, IBM is still working hard by doing a lot in the IT sector. It still handles the support for desktops, tablets, laptops and servers. There is still a big name of IBM in enterprise storage. They dominate the UNIX market with Power and AIX. They still do their AS/400 stuff. They are also big on the enterprise Linux market.
Even the employees working in IBM consider it to be the best company that one can work in. The company is so gigantic when it comes to B2B services. Thus, IBM’s biggest asset is their ability to predict and adjust to societal changes. And therefore, IBM is similar to a roller coaster ride that doesn’t end. They dealt with many failures but are still trying to find their foot hold in the market and that’s what makes IBM’s place still in business.
Name- Bhavya Khurana
Course- BA hons English
University – Delhi University (Dyal Singh College)