Apple is known for its innovation in technology and design, but what about its employees? It turns out that the employees at the newly-opened Apple stores in BKC, Mumbai, and Saket, New Delhi are a cut above the rest. According to a report by Economic Times, these employees have impressive educational qualifications and salaries to match.
The report states that the employees at these stores have degrees such as MSc in Information Technology, MBA, BTech in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Robotics, Automation Engineering and BCA. This is quite a surprise as many might think that working at a retail store doesn’t require any impressive educational qualifications. However, Apple seems to have a different approach to hiring their employees.
But it’s not just their qualifications that set them apart. The employees at Apple BKC, Mumbai, can speak over 25 languages while those at Apple Saket can speak over 15 languages. This is quite an impressive feat, and it shows how Apple is catering to its diverse customer base in India.
What’s even more surprising is the salary they take home every month – Rs 1 lakh and above! This is 3-4 times the salary an average retail store employee gets per month. It’s clear that Apple is willing to invest in its employees to ensure that they provide the best customer service experience possible.
Over 170 employees have been hired to manage the two stores, and they have been trained in global customer service levels. This means that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to provide the best customer service experience to every customer who walks into the store.
Overall, it’s clear that Apple is taking its retail operations in India seriously. By hiring highly qualified and skilled employees, the company is setting a new standard in the retail industry in India. With its focus on providing the best customer service experience possible, Apple is sure to leave a lasting impression on its customers in India.