Why do Indian news channels suck? 

There are a lot of reasons why Indian news channels have become one of the worst things to watch on television. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why Indian news channels are deteriorating fast.
The news channels have become highly sensationalistic and dramatize everything they report on. Today, most news stories are driven by the desire to create as much controversy as possible. One new story becomes four or five different stories depending on how it’s spun by the various news channels. People are not interested in complex or nuanced stories anymore. They want to hear about the big, exciting things that are happening around them. This paradigm shift has had destructive effects on society. Studies have shown that consumption of news has a negative impact on one’s mental health and emotional well-being. When people are repeatedly exposed to negative stories about the world around them, they start to believe that the world is a more hostile and dangerous place than it actually is. A 2017 study by the American Psychological Association found that exposure to the news in general, and sensationalized news in particular, can take a toll on one’s psychological health. In particular, people who consume a lot of news often experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, and stress than those who do not. In addition, people who watch a lot of news tend to have a higher level of anger, aggression, and hostility than those who limit their news consumption. A 2011 study in the British Journal of Psychology found that it only takes 14 minutes of watching bad news to feel its effect on viewers’ stress levels. The study also found that even a single exposure to negative news stories can have a significant effect on viewers’ moods and stress levels for up to two hours after the program has ended.
With the rise of the internet and social media, journalism and the media have been in a state of extreme upheaval for decades. Gaining attention through clicks has become essential to surviving as competition in this market has been more intense. Journalism and the media have been reduced to entertainment instead of an informative, educational experience meant to help us connect our brains with reality, and clicks have come to dominate the quest of truth.
Current Scenario
The rise of social media has given people the ability to seek out news on their own terms. More and more people are eschewing traditional news sources in favor of other online sources that provide unfiltered access to a wide variety of information. This has led to a steady decline in viewership for traditional news outlets over the past decade or so.
Filter bubbles are now normal as a result of the internet and media personalization, as opposed to everyone having a shared perspective of global events. Instead of readers and viewers learning more about the world and becoming more equipped to make wise decisions, our attention is instead drawn to amusements and clickbait.
Media and journalism have in many respects ceded ground to social media, the preeminent source of information for people today. Social media’s economic survival depends on its ability to remain “sticky” and capture our attention for as long as possible. Providing engaging content is one effective strategy to do this, which encourages journalism and media producers to focus more on entertainment and less on education.
Media platforms businesses ought to reevaluate their roles as organizations that mediate and support our access to high-quality adult education rather than as providers of entertainment. This massive change is necessary for our society, though.